Saturday, February 8, 2014

How I contour and highlight my face!

I cannot leave the house 90% of the time without atleast having some coverage on my face and a little contouring! I first started contouring my face sometime around last year and it really has made a big difference in my pictures and how I would see myself in the mirror. I learned how to contour from my favorite YouTuber Carli Bybel and I have picked up a few tricks from her and from others as well. So... with that being said I'm going to show you guys how I achieve a more leaner and slimmer face! P.S. I know I probably look like a disgusting wet dog but that's only because I really needed to wash my hair and I decided to do this blog post at the same time so no judging :-)

These are my brushes I use on a daily basis! My brushes are made by Real Techniques. From left to right: essential crease brush, buffing brush, setting brush, pointed foundation brush. And also my favorite concealer is by NYX as well! in the color yellow.
  1. The Purple Brush is more for contouring and "defining" your face. I like this use this when I really want get that perfect look.
  2. The bigger orange brush is more for buffing all your work out and helping you blend everything together.
  3. The pink brush is for any powder you want to use. I typically use it just for my contouring colors if I don't feel like using the smaller brush
  4. The pointed foundation brush is for any foundation or concealer! You can create a upside down triangle or some type of V under your eyes.

You want to highlight under your eyes, the bridge of your nose, your chin, and your forehead. Afterwards you should contour the sides of your nose, your cheekbones, your temples and your chin (optional)

Side angle

Front View
These are the colors I used to contour from a palate I have. I usually mix the colors all together.

Here is more of a visual if my pictures didn't help as much!

This is after I blended and buffed everything in. I also filled in my eyebrows for the time being.
Another side view!
Front view after everything was blended in.
That's the complete look on how I contour and highlight my face!
Thanks for reading my post :-) xoxo

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